Our Partners

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. partners with corporations, businesses, and foundations to help fulfill its programmatic goals. We encourage our members to use our partners’ products and services to benefit their communities.

Our partners generous support help make it possible for Sigma Gamma Rho to make a stronger impact for those in need. Over the years, the private and public sectors have contributed to the work we do in diverse communities. We are seeking sponsors to support this historic, international organization. You will expand your market reach to more than 100,000 members who believe in the value of making a positive impact on the lives of women, their families, and the communities they serve.

Your sponsorship will also help to provide entertainment including special off-site engagements, surprise guests, relevant discussion, civic engagement forum, collegiate career and professional development, and youth mentoring programming. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is well-positioned to support your interests through grassroots community outreach efforts.

We accept financial, service and products from organizations.