Sigma Sigma was The First Chapter of the Western Region.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Sigma Sigma Chapter Los Angeles was chartered on Sunday, July 30, 1939 by Soror Ruby G. Peake, Grand Syntaktes. Soror Peake was assisted by Sorors, Hattie McKim and Catherine White Williams, Grand Recorder of Deeds. The charter members were Sorors, Lessie B. Crossland (Charter Basileus), Vannie Brown, Ella Ford, Elonora Jones, Hattie McDaniel (Oscar award winning actress), Jessie Jimerson (Tamiochus), Birdie Lott (Grammateus), and Ollie V. Green (Anti-Basileus).
From small beginnings, Sigma Sigma Chapter has become a beacon of light on the west coast by contributing through scholarship and civic responsibilities. Sigma Sigma is host to cultural and civic events such as our annual Our Author’s Study Club Oratorical Contest, National Youth Symposium, Soles for Little Souls Shoe Drive, Alexandria House, Operation Big Book Bag, amongst many other events! Tip our rhoyal blue and gold crowns to Sigma Sigma Los Angeles Chapter for paving the way to the Western Region of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Soror Hattie McKim of Kansas City, MO was attending summer school at the University of Southern California and mentioned her sorority so much that people there became interested. When I heard from the Grand Basileus of this, I urged Soror McKim to get enough for a chapter. She was most successful and this chapter has sent a delegate to the Boule. Among the eight Sorors initiated in California, one was just there for the summer and was planning to return to her home in New Orleans, Louisiana immediately. This was soror Ella Ford. This fall I wrote to her concerning a possible chapter in New Orleans. Soror Ford was successful, and December 17, 1939, I went to New Orleans and chartered Epsilon Sigma Chapter. Soror Ford transferred from Sigma Sigma to Epsilon Sigma and was elected Basileus.”
Soror Leslie Crossland was also served as delegate to the 14th Boule in New York City, New York where she served on the Resolution and Nominating Committees.